Our Story

Cameron and Erin Jefferies live near Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty. We have three children and run a 500-hive beekeeping business. Our oldest son Matthew helps with the honey collection and harvest in summer and one of our pollination clients Tony helps with spring and pollination.
Cameron is from a farming family and completed a Bachelor of Agriculture at Massey University. Beekeeping became an interest in 2012 while learning how to pollinate our kiwifruit orchard and has grown from there. In 2015 bees became more than a hobby and I left employment to focus full-time on building the business.
Bees are a passion and a continual source of amazement as we strive to do the best for them with the challenges the season provides. “No one year is the same and you are always learning”
Erin is a bank manager and manages the admin side of the beekeeping business. She is the fourth generation of her family to be involved in the Ruapehu area after her Great Grandfather settled there in 1922.
We use the power of our hives to create food by pollinating Kiwifruit and Avocado orchards in the Bay of Plenty. They are then transported to the Ruapehu area in the Central North Island.
Here in the shadow of the highest mountain in the North Island, Mount Ruapehu our bees gather Manuka honey that is prized worldwide for its numerous health benefits. This amazing native plant grows prolifically in this rugged environment.
We use the power of our hives to create food by pollinating Kiwifruit and Avocado orchards in the Bay of Plenty. They are then transported to the Ruapehu area in the Central North Island.
Here in the shadow of the highest mountain in the North Island, Mount Ruapehu our bees gather Manuka honey that is prized worldwide for its numerous health benefits. This amazing native plant grows prolifically in this rugged environment.
Why JBees Honey Joined the FernMark License Program
JBees Honey’s decision to become a FernMark Licensee is deeply rooted in our commitment to promoting and preserving the essence of New Zealand’s exceptional products. The FernMark License Programme, renowned for advocating and safeguarding the reputation of New Zealand goods globally, aligns seamlessly with our values and aspirations.
By carrying the FernMark, we proudly exhibit our affiliation with New Zealand’s story – one enriched by values such as Pōtikitanga, Manaaki, Tiaki, and Pono. This distinctive trademark symbolizes trust, echoing the principles we hold dear. It stands as an authentic representation of our products’ origin and association with New Zealand’s legacy.
Being a FernMark Licensee bestows our products with the privilege of instantaneous recognition of their origin, enhancing customer confidence. The FernMark, endorsed by the New Zealand Government, assures consumers of the authenticity they seek in premium products. Moreover, the License Programme provides a platform to consolidate our brand’s narrative, showcasing individual excellence and collective storytelling.
Becoming a FernMark Licensee is a strategic choice that not only amplifies our brand’s reach but also reinforces our consumers’ trust. It is a testimony to our products’ quality and their link to New Zealand. As we venture into the global market, this esteemed partnership not only endorses our offerings but also bolsters our presence on the international stage, in alignment with New Zealand’s values and reputation.
In essence, our collaboration with the FernMark License Programme mirrors our dedication to fostering authenticity, trust, and preference for New Zealand products and services on the global arena.